Prices and Booking

Planning a camping holiday:

Prices and booking at a glance

Our prices are dynamic and adapt to your booking time, the length of your trip and the type of accommodation. Early bookers benefit from attractive discounts, as do guests who want to stay longer.

You can choose between tent sites, pitches in various sizes (S, M, L), sleeping barrels, shepherd's wagons or a tree tent. The pricing is flexible and transparent – our booking portal always shows you the best price for your trip and enables convenient online booking.

If you stay for at least ten nights, you will even receive a discount of ten percent!

We look forward to welcoming you to Camping Hümmlinger Land soon!

And another tip for you: Take out our travel cancellation insurance. This will protect you from cancellation fees in the event of illness or death of a close relative. You can find all the details here.

To get a rough overview of our pricing, you can find the price range per category here. The prices include two adults:

type of accommodation from until
Zeltwiese 18 € 27 €
parking space 23 € 40 €
sleeping barrel 50 € 70 €
shepherd's wagon 64 € 85 €
tree tent 29 € 35 €
pitch without electricity 15 € 20 €

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